
Three temples of ancient Egypt claim the supermacia over all others that of ptah in menfis that of ra-amon in heliopolis and that of amon-ra in karnak but only the latter resisted the ravages of time and delighted the visitor 4,000 years after the beginning of the construction.

The Ptah temple was probably the oldest and the most formal of the three. There the solemn jubilees of the kings were celebrated And the astronomical observations of the moon and the star Sirius (Sopdet) were made, which periodically regulated the calendar of ancient egypt.

The temple of the sun-gods Ra and Aton was the undisputed center of religious dogma that jealously preserved the intimate connection between the State and religion.

General plan of the sacred complex of Karnak. The main temple enclosure, dedicated to Amón-Ra, and a smaller building (below, left) dedicated to khónsu, son of amon and Mut. The square site north of the temple of Amon-ra contains several buildings such as the Montú war and the goddess Maat, and the e Thutmose I. The north-south (secondary) axis of the main temple, formed by a series of courtyards and through an avenue of sphinxes with the third enclosure (at the bottom of the plane) of the goddess Mut.

the avenue of human-headed sphinxes connected from Karnak to the temple of Luxor, 1,30 and these sphinxes are still under the modern city of Luxor. the Luxor temple.


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